Students are an enrichment for elobau in every respect. On the one hand, they bring new ideas and a breath of fresh air to the various areas of work with their current specialist knowledge and contribute to our innovative strength. On the other hand, in times of a lack of skilled workers, it is strategically important to seek contact with young talent at an early stage and possibly recruit them as employees after their studies. In addition to employing working students, interns who would like to gain practical experience at a company as part of their studies are therefore an important part of the strategic promotion of young talent.
One hurdle here has so far been the distance between many study cities and the location of Leutkirch: in contrast to working students, who can often also work remotely, mandatory interns usually have to complete their practical phase on site. For many young people, however, the distance to the elobau headquarter in Leutkirch is too far to commute there every day. Therefore, even though there are many people interested in an internship at elobau, it has often not been possible to fill internship positions to date. In order to attract more students from outside the region, elobau came up with the idea of a student flat share, called “Studi-WG”: A furnished four-room apartment is now available in the staff house in Leutkirch, where three students can live in a shared flat free of charge for the duration of their internship.
More information about the “Studi-WG” can be found on Instagram (elobau_official/). Felicitas Singh, HR Business Partner Young Talent, will be happy to provide further information.

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