elobau has now reached the jury stage of the competition together with 666 other companies. The finalists and award winners will be announced in September. We are already proud to have reached the second stage and are excited to see who will be among the award winners in September. Please keep your fingers crossed for us.
The 5 competition criteria of the Großer Preis des Mittelstandes (Grand Prix of SMEs)
The Grand Prix of Medium-Sized Businesses evaluates companies with the following criteria.
- Overall development of the company
- Creating and securing jobs and apprenticeships
- Modernisation and innovation
- Commitment to the region
- Service and customer proximity, marketing
Additionally, the role of the company for itself and also society are taken into consideration. That we are already on a good path here can be seen in the report of the Gemeinwohlökonomie.
What is the Große Preis des Mittelstandes (Grand Prix of SMEs)?
The competition “Großer Preis des Mittelstandes” has been held annually since 1994. During this time, more than 20,000 companies and over 3.5 million employees have been nominated. The competition is entirely organised voluntarily, privately financed, and is subject to DIN ISO 9001:2015-certified quality management.
Twelve regional juries and a final jury select the winners and finalists. Three companies per competition region will be awarded prize winners and five others as finalists.
Who will be nominated?
Every year in November, the Oskar Patzelt Foundation issues a call for entries in which municipalities and associations, institutions and companies are invited to nominate outstanding medium-sized companies from industry, services, trade, crafts and commerce. There are also special prizes for the “Premier” and “Premier Finalist”, as well as for “Municipality of the Year” and “Bank of the Year”.
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