
A satisfação de nossos clientes e a cooperação contínua com nossos parceiros de negócios são fundamentais para nós! Nesta página, a elobau está oferecendo acesso rápido aos nossos serviços disponíveis. Sem criar uma conta. Para dúvidas ou sugestões, entre em contato por telefone ou e-mail: elobau GmbH & Co. KG Zeppelinstr. 44, 88299 Leutkirch, Alemanha Tel: +49 (0) 7561 970-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7561 970-100 E-mail:
Você pode entrar em contato com nossa equipe no número +49 (0) 7561 970-0 na sede de Leutkirch, de segunda a quinta-feira, das 7:30 às 16:30 e sexta-feira das 7:30 às 12:00 (CET).
Dear customers and business partners,
With this information letter, we would like to inform you about the availability and accessibility of our logistics areas.
Due to the volatile market situation, the capacity utilisation of our plants continues to fluctuate. We are therefore adapting the deployment of our employees to current requirements.
Please note that our incoming goods and dispatch department will be open Monday to Thursday until the end of March 2025. There will be no deliveries or goods acceptance on Fridays.
These measures will not affect our delivery times. Our employees will continue to work with the utmost care to manufacture our products in the usual quality and deliver your orders on time.
If you have any questions or require further information, please get in touch with your existing contact person or contact us centrally at or by telephone on 07561 970-0.
Thank you for your understanding.
Yours sincerely
Your elobau team
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