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News - Ecodesign study honoured at the "German Design Award" - elobau
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Ecodesign study honoured at the "German Design Award"

In recent months, elobau has developed a pilot project: The new conception of a control armrest with a focus on industrialised ecodesign. Now the project has received an award at the "German Design Award".

As part of a university thesis, Max Krohmer has been working on the design of such a control armrest for the past few months. The result is a design and material study which, with regard to the design and the development and manufacturing process, is designed according to the principles of the circular economy. The work is to be understood as a study and can serve as a basis for further considerations with new materials and revised design. It gives an outlook on future, more sustainable products that focus on a more responsible use of resources and the environment.

With regard to the recycling process, the number of materials used is kept as low as possible. In addition, they can be separated quickly and easily, and screw connections are avoided as far as possible. The stainless-steel serves as a frame and as a support for the Karuun components. The Karuun in turn holds the controls and protects the electronics. The design is to be reimagined with the capabilities of the materials used.

This study has now received the « Special Mention » award for outstanding design quality in the category Excellent Product Design – Eco Design at the « German Design Award ».

Special Mention

The « Special Mention » award of the German Design Award is presented for remarkable design achievements. Award winners who convince with their work through a special approach or partial aspect can stand out from the competition with this seal of quality.

The « German Design Award » is one of the most renowned design awards worldwide and enjoys a high reputation far beyond professional circles. The international high-ranking jury of the « German Design Award » has been honouring outstanding design achievements for over ten years. Now elobau can also count itself among the proud prize winners with Max Krohmer’s final project.

News - Ecodesign study honoured at the "German Design Award" - elobau

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