Creation of a master plan with the goal of CO2 reduction // Development of a climate balance sheet
Our path to sustainability
What does sustainability mean for us in real terms?
We are a foundation company firmly established in the region. With this background, we feel compelled as a company to assume responsibilities that go far beyond our immediate areas of commercial operation. When we talk about sustainability, we mean three main areas: economy, ecology and social responsibility.
Our current understanding of sustainability envisions an equal emphasis on ecology, society and the economy. Over the long term, a reduction of CO2 emissions only involves a slow-down of progressive climate changes. Physical laws dictate that we cannot draw more resources from nature than nature can replace. For our Vision 2030, we, therefore, view ecology as a cornerstone of responsible social and corporate action. Social stability requires an intact ecological system. And social stability is a prerequisite for economic activity. Our Vision 2030 therefore seeks to prioritise sustainability. We intend to communicate this only after comprehensive and effective implementation, although our individual decision-making process is already founded on this precept.

Preparation of our sustainability report and common good balance sheet 2022
We used the first elobau Common Good Report with ECG Standard 5.0 as the basis for the third report. The report was drafted and developed jointly in a cross-department project. The project took approximately 400 hours of work.
- 1,000 football fields of rain forest in Costa Rica *Our compensation of 8,000 t CO2 corresponds to an annual CO2 storage capacity of approximately 700 hectares of reforestation in the tropics.
- -2.700 t per year lower CO2 emissions
- Since 2010 Carbon-neutral production
- 80 % energy ratio *Excluding car fleet. Green electricity and gas from offal 100% green electricity
elobau foundation
60 social engagement projects -
31.000 MWh of produced electricity 10 years – 1.000 households
In order to make the Earth a livable place for our children, there is no getting around a circular economy following nature’s example. We want to be pioneers for this necessary shift in our industries.

- Certificate EMAS 2022 / DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 pdf 727.66 KB
- Sustainability report elobau 2022 pdf 7.29 MB
- EMAS environmental statement 2023 pdf 2.75 MB
- EMAS core indicators 2023 pdf 26.10 KB
- Corporate Carbon Footprint 2023 pdf 33.22 KB
- Compensation certificate 2023 pdf 302.48 KB
- Economy for the Common Good 2022 Certificate (balance sheet) pdf 134.85 KB